Our Services

Here is a list of our services

The Veterinarian at Lake Oconee offer many services for your convenience. Scroll down to view a detailed list of our services.

Puppy and kitten health exams and vaccinations

The most exciting time to see the veterinarian is when you have just acquired your furry bundle of joy. An exam and consultation on a vaccine/deworming plan is needed. We try to make your puppy or kitten as comfortable as possible during the initial period of getting to know us. We all want trusting, happy babies to lead to happy adults who are glad to come see us in the future. Depending on what age you acquire your puppy or kitten, and what vaccines have been done prior to that, you may have as many as three or as few as one set of vaccines needed. They are generally done with a 2-3 week period between them. Our scheduling generally accommodates kittens not being overwhelmed by a giant breed dog (or amazingly the reverse happens sometimes too). Please call us to schedule at time to discuss what you want for your pet. 


We do have a full grooming facility on site. Currently, we are looking for a groomer that is the "right fit", who understands the standards that we and our clients are accustomed to. This might take a while. While searching for them, we still offer bathing, nail trims, etc. Please give us a call to see what we can accomplish for you and your fur baby, or if you need a full haircut please give us a call, so we can recommend other local groomers we trust. 


Medical Boarding

At The Veterinarian at Lake Oconee, our focus is on veterinary treatment and care. At this time, we do not offer boarding services. However, there are certain circumstances when it is necessary for your pet to remain in our care and treatment. We do maintain a small pet boarding and treatment area within our facility. It is reserved for pets receiving care and treatment. This service is offered as part of our commitment to provide complete veterinary services for our clients and their pets.


We are pleased to offer a wide range of surgical services for our patients. From routine surgical procedures, such as spaying and neutering, to more complex surgeries, we look forward to the opportunity to care for your pet’s surgical needs. Our staff is highly skilled and will take all the necessary steps to ensure that your pets receives only the best of care. Our focus on patient safety, pain management, and employing the most current surgical practices is designed to exceed your expectations and put your concerns to rest. Your pet will be monitored before, during and after surgery. We will take exceptional care to ensure a safe and complete recovery for your pet. We will review recovery instructions and medications with you before taking your pet home. Most patients go home the same day. On the rare occasion your pet needs longer term care the veterinarian will discuss your options with you. Estimates are available, please give us a call to discuss your unique situation.


Dental care is vital to the overall health of your pets! Dental disease leads to health issues with the heart, liver and kidneys. It can also affect the entire body through the bloodstream. Dental disease is one of the most common health issues in our pet population. There are many ways to improve your pet’s dental hygiene. The pet can be helped through home brushing, providing dental chews and treats and having regular dental inspections. The most effective way to protect your pet from dental disease is through professional cleanings. We perform thorough cleanings and extractions, if needed, including the area beneath the gums that you cannot see or access at home. Common signs of dental problems include, brown or yellow teeth, bad breath, and trouble eating. Ask us today how we can improve your pet’s dental health. 

Laboratory Testing

We have an in-house laboratory with the capacity to run a variety of tests on your pet. For any testing that we can not perform in house, we are able to overnight your samples to an outside reference laboratory and have results the next day. This means we can have results in a matter of minutes and a treatment plan in place very soon. Some of the diagnostic tests that we offer are : blood chemistry panels, urinalysis, fecal exams, and cytology.

Glaucoma Testing

Glaucoma is a disease of the eye in which the pressure within the eye, called the intraocular pressure (IOP) is increased. Intraocular pressure is measured using an instrument called a tonometer. Some common signs of glaucoma are eye pain, watery discharge, lethargy, loss of appetite, swelling or bulging of the eyeball, and cloudy eyes. Blindness can occur if glaucoma is left untreated. Diagnosis of glaucoma depends on accurate IOP pressure and eye examination. We are proud to offer this service in order to ensure the best for your pets vision.

Adult Vaccinations

Vaccinations can protect your pet against most major infectious diseases. Safe and effective vaccinations are available to prevent against the following: In Dogs – Canine distemper, rabies, parvovirus, leptospirosis, Bordetella, & influenza In Cats – Feline leukemia, respiratory diseases & rabies. A 'one size fits all approach' is no longer appropriate to determining the frequency and type of vaccinations of your individual pet. Our veterinarian creates a disease prevention plan that is effective, safe, and tailored to your pet’s specific needs.

Geriatric Pain Management and Health Evaluation

 Veterinary medicine has made great strides increasing the longevity of our fur babies. However, this fact has increased the odds of chronic, sometimes painful diseases being hidden. Our older pets aren't always the best advocates for themselves. They often hide symptoms of pain and disease from their owners (like their distant cousins in the wild do to avoid further issues). There is nothing we love better than consulting with our clients and coming up with a plan that puts more pep in their pet's step.

Parasite Management/Worming Medicines

Dogs and cats are susceptible to a number of parasitic infections. Many pet parasites are zoonotic, meaning that they can affect people as well as our pets. Parasite prevention is not only important for the health of your pet, but for the health of your family. Fleas and tick, intestinal parasites, heartworms are all parasites that can affect our pets. At The Veterinarian at Lake Oconee, we test yearly for heartworms, intestinal parasites and recommend year-round flea and tick prevention. There are many options available for flea and tick prevention, heartworm prevention, and parasite control available. We would be glad to help choose the best product for your pet!

View a Video of Ear Mites Here

Diet Consultations

While vaccinations and other preventative care are crucial for the care of your pets, proper nutrition is another component that is often overlooked. Here at The Veterinarian at Lake Oconee, we believe that pets can live longer, healthier lives when they are supported by a well-balanced, quality diet. In many cases, the right prescription diet can slow the progression of a disease and help to minimize symptoms. We are more than happy to discuss the many dietary options that are available today and help you design a nutritional plan that is right for you and your companions.

Pharmaceuticals-In House and Online Pharmacies

We can fulfill most of your pet’s prescription needs in-house. We require that your pet is a patient with us and has had an exam within the last year before filling any prescriptions. We kindly ask that you call is in advance for any refills to reduce your wait time at pickup. If another veterinarian prescribed a medication to your pet that you need refilled by us for the first time, we will request records from your previous doctor to ensure that we have the correct medication and dosage. In addition to our in-house pharmacy, we have an extensive online store which can ship your prescriptions right to your door!

Travel Health Certifications

If you are visiting Hawaii or moving to England with your pet, you will need travel documents, which vary by area.  While traveling with your pet can be fun for both you and your pet, you must be properly informed of these requirements, and equipped with the proper documents, medications, and travel gear before taking off on your adventure! A domestic Health Certificate may be required by the state you are traveling to, or the airline you are traveling on. When traveling to a different country, you will likely be required to provide special USDA documents, as well as specific testing. Just like our own travel arrangements, planning for a pet to travel takes time and preparation. So be sure to plan and do your research ahead of time and both you and your pet will be able to enjoy your upcoming trip!


Veterinary Partner - The goal of Veterinary Partner is to help veterinarians communicate with clients by providing information about issues affecting their animal.

Balance.it - From recipe development to at-home preparation, we’re providing you with the trusted resources you need to create quality, balanced meals for your dog or cat.

SkeptVet - Science-based Pet Health.

Click here for our online pharmacy.


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The Veterinarian at Lake Oconee